by the organizers in connection with the communication of the competition in the media and social networks. 4th route, 1,600-meter night children's race for middle-high school children The 1,600 meter route is on asphalt and takes place within the D.D. Sperchiada. High school boys and girls take part. Match Details: Date: Saturday 21/3/2020 Start time: 18:45 am Distance: ~1,600 m.
Start & finish point: Sperchiada Square High school children are eligible to participate. All children Bhutan Email List will be given medals at their finish, and the top three of each gender will be given cups. Children's participation in the race is free and does not require any financial burden other than the submission to the special secretariat of the children's race: a) a responsible declaration
of the parent allowing their participation in the race, b) a doctor's opinion. 5th route, Night children's 1,100 meter race for primary school children The 1,100 meter route is on asphalt and takes place within the D.D. Sperchiada. Primary school boys and girls take part. Match Details: Date: Saturday 21/3/2020 Start time: 18:30 am Distance: ~1,100 meters Start & finish point: Sperchiada Square Elementary school children are eligible to participate.