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35 Essential Germany Email Marketing Tips 2024









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发表于 2024-3-9 17:38:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Types of ads on Facebook Although all ads are divided basedon their location and size, this does not mean they have to be static. There isa wide variety of ads you can use to let users know you, regardless of whereyou place them. Some of them are: 1.- Ad with image This format is one of themost popular and used formats on Facebook since the platform began to emphasizevisual contents. The recommended size and format for these ads are thefollowing: Image size: 1200 x 628 pixels. Text: 90 characters. Headline: 25characters. Description of the link in the newsfeed: 200 characters. 2.- Adswith videos formatos publicitarios en facebook You are already familiar withthe potential of the videos in any social platform. They are more attractive,flashy and get more engagement. And we must not forget that they obtain moreinteractions. More than half of people who visits Facebook daily watches, atleast, one video per day.

That is why this is an option you should always Germany Email List consider.But for it to work, you must be careful with the following aspects: The contentis very visual and easy to understand. The ad’s message must be understoodwithout the need to activate the sound. A clear call to action. For this, yourvideo must include one of the action buttons offered by Facebook. 3.-Collection Collection is one of Facebook’s new advertising formats, which hasbeen created to make products more accessible. With this kind of ad, theadvertiser can show up to 50 products, each of them linked to a specificlanding page. This makes the purchase easier, making it more comfortable andagile. Besides letting the user to access the description of each one of theitems being offered, this kind of format allows you to include videos as well.4.- Ads for several products or sequences Among Facebook’s differentadvertising formats, this type of ads is very useful for advertisers.

Users can go through different images and, based on whichone they click, they will be directed to a specific landing page for eachproduct. It is possible to apply this type of ads to any article. In fact, itcan also be used for e-book downloads or to direct traffic to blog posts. Thebest way to create them is using Facebook’s Power Editor. 5.- Canvas, ads infull screen formatos publicitarios en facebook Canvas helps advertisers achievetheir goals by means of an ideal format to create multimedia stories. Canvasspaces open from ads on Facebook’s news section. Advertisers can combinevideos, static images, texts, and call-to-action buttons to create brand andproducts experiences that are attractive and effective on mobile devices. Inthis format, users can use their fingers to scroll through a sequence ofimages, tilt their devices to see panoramic images and zoom in to see theirdetails, thus creating experiences that go beyond the previously analyzedFacebook’s advertising formats.


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