The system uses the cpu more efficiently for computing work
System blocks are generated once every minutes, due to which operations are confirmed many times faster
Due to the fast generation, the litecoin client can stay in the verification mode longer
In the litecoin system wallet, it becomes possible to mine in a pool or solo
The complexity of the system is recalculated on average every - days
There can be times more coins in the network than in bitcoin of course, there are many similarities in the systems
Litecoin mining basics
Let's take a look at how to start mining litecoin and what are its basics litecoin mining is the smart use of the cpu and gpu to process operations on the network by following this procedure, you can try to to the mobile number list for solve the proposed block, which will pay you a reward in litecoins for this for solving just one such block, fifty litecoins are paid out, which at the current rate is equal to about more than a thousand dollars
Another question is how to mine litecoin in a pool in practice, this is a whole group of miners joining their efforts to get blocks faster accordingly, the reward will be divided between them
Let's take a look at what steps it all starts with
First you need to create a wallet where the virtual currency will go to do this, a special program is downloaded on the official litecoin website
After the wallet is successfully loaded, install it by enabling synchronization.